
Serbias Radoicic Web of Power and Profit: A Glimpse into the Kosovo Policy Crisis

In a country like Serbia the line between political power and private enterprise often blurs, the case of Milan Radoičić and his business dealings provides a stark example of the complexities involved. Despite being under investigation, Radoičić’s firms, transferred to his associates Zvonko and Željko Veselinović, continue to operate at full capacity. This scenario unfolded vividly just days after a conflict, with Rad 028, a company on the US blacklist for suspected control by Radoičić, receiving a significant sum from the state for “unspecified procurements”. Furthermore, Inkop, a company from Ćuprija, was contracted for a bridge construction near Kraljevo.

The murky details surrounding an armed conflict in Banjska, a haunting episode for Serbia colloquially termed as the collapse of the Kosovo policy of Serbia’s president, or more precisely, the “Cluster Catastrophe” as dubbed by diplomatic missions in Belgrade, underscore a prolonged event that will shadow the negotiation process with Priština to its very end. This crisis has put additional emphasis on a resolution that has been on the table for a long time.

The explosion orchestrated by Milan Radoičić in Banjska scattered many politically lethal mines, forcing Belgrade to tread carefully since September 24, 2023. Radoičić, a controversial businessman given the franchise to manage the Serbian community in northern Kosovo, had previously disregarded all its written and unwritten laws, shattered its self-respect, destroyed its unity, extinguished all political parties, and along the way, amassed a considerable fortune—a fortune that continues to grow, as despite the ongoing investigation, his companies are generating millions in profits.

The Tenders for the Chosen Few

Merely two days post the armed conflict in Banjska, on September 26, 2023, Rad 028 from Zvečan, blacklisted by the US Finance Ministry for suspicions of being controlled by Radoičić, won two tenders issued by the Municipality of Zvečan. These contracts amounted to millions, funded by the Government of Serbia’s budget or local self-governments, highlighting the intertwined nature of business and politics in the region.

The Changing of Hands, But Not of Fortunes

The swift transfer of shares from Radoičić to the Veselinović brothers post-conflict, aimed at preventing damage, illustrates a strategic move to maintain operational continuity and profit-sharing as if the ownership structure remained unchanged. This maneuver, while altering the facade of ownership, does little to disguise the underlying realities of power and profit in the region.

The State as the Main Employer

Thanks to contracts with the state, companies like Inkop have rapidly climbed the ranks of the most profitable enterprises, with net profits soaring. These developments occur amidst a backdrop of international sanctions and Interpol warrants, raising questions about the alignment of national policies with individual interests.

A Commander Beyond Reproach

Radoičić’s reputation as a commander, unfazed by presidential critiques or international sanctions, speaks volumes about his influence. His ability to oscillate between wealth, power, and aggression, seemingly untouchable by law or morality, casts a long shadow over the region’s politics and economy.

A Veil Over the Truth

As authorities remain silent on the true events of Banjska, the episode stands as a grim reminder of the complexities of Kosovo’s political landscape. It underscores a world where wealth and power insulate a select few from accountability, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and unresolved issues. This saga, emblematic of the intertwining of politics and business, continues to unfold, challenging the very fabric of governance and law in the region.

This narrative is not just about the individuals involved but about the broader implications for Serbia, Kosovo, and the Balkans. It is a tale of power, profit, and politics, intertwined in ways that challenge the boundaries of legality and morality, leaving a lasting impact on the region’s future.

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